"We believe in having a strong link to local agricultural services and suppliers to bring the very best products to your doorstep to support local farmers and the British Dairy industry"

HI my name is Ian and together with my partner Anna and two children Ben & Emily we’ve been drinking fresh farm milk for longer than we can remember. Having a strong link to agricultural services I am a huge believer in supporting local farmers and the British Dairy industry.
During the initial Covid lockdown we shared the milk with some neighbours who loved it, I got asked to deliver milk to more neighbours and friends and unintentionally ‘Deliver-Moo’ was launched.
We started off with a standard camping cool box and had to upgrade to industrial size chiller boxes very quickly. When we ran out of room we bought another, then another and now have just purchased a refrigerated van. There is only so much milk you can fit into the back of a L200!!
Our original logo was designed by our daughter Emily who traced around a cow shaped ‘bottle opener’ we had in the kitchen. She printed out a picture of a van and stuck them together. The design is simple but we loved the uniqueness and simplicity of it and our logo was agreed.
Our ethos of taking things back to how it used to be years ago and moving away from the supermarket did sound a little bit daunting, but we have soon realised that more local areas would benefit from our service.We are so excited to be able to add more doorsteps to our routes and be able to offer quality products at an affordable price.
We can't wait to see your doorsteps soon!